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En utpost mot havet : An outpost against the sea

An outpost may be described as a remote part of a country or empire, on the periphery of a singular place and time.
In this instance a marker at the edge of memory of an ancestral island.  
Whilst clearing my mother's apartment in Stockholm, I discovered a text,  'Om Öland', a documentation of the ecology from this remote island, written by my great grandfather, priest and botanist, Carl Areskog. 

OUTPOST featured a series of works of printed matter created in response to the text, with references to both personal and environmental histories.

*Situated at the Dyson Building, Royal College of Art, London for MA Show. Included experimental, temporary interventions,  singularities, outposts, daily responses within the exhibition environment. 


 Caroline AreskogJones Instagram

  © 2020 website by Christian Jones

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